The Talent Lab

High Performance Learning
for Companies, Teams and Individuals.

You have questions. We have answers.

  • How can I attract and retain top technical talent?
  • How do I foster innovation among my team to drive growth?
  • How do I stay relevant when technology evolves so rapidly?

Over the last 20 years we’ve worked with over 15,000 adults among 80 corporate clients – about 1/3 of those in person.

The Talent Lab helps companies, teams and individuals master the art of learning.

We can help you unlock latent potential.

  • Talent Onboarding
    We can help your organization learn to recruit and retain amazing talent – we either integrate with HR or work independently to engage new, incoming talent before you even make an offer.
  • Talent Alignment
    We can help your team learn to work better together, smoother, and faster than they thought possible.
  • Talent Ignition
    We can help you, as an individual, supercharge everything you do – as a marketer, manager, salesperson or support analyst.

Our keystone observation is this: what most call “learning” assigns value to knowledge stocks, ignoring the far superior knowledge flows.

An organization that invests in building (or buying) a planned curriculum is, in every way, limiting itself to the speed of the slowest input, whether that’s in the content pipeline, the delivery machine or staff engagement.

Companies that invest in building adaptive and open systems for learning will see naturally occurring learning initiatives sprout and grow to match the speed of its most effective learners.

You and your people will learn how to learn – faster and especially from one another.

At The Talent Lab, our key insights have led us to focus on the behaviors of your most effective people, not the content, tools, nor technology. The compounding value of ongoing, adaptive learning driven organically by a diverse group of individuals will always beat a finite number of top-down learning events, no matter how impactful or transformative they seem to be at the time.

In other words, learning how to learn earns you compounding interest while deploying a new course is just a deposit facing inflation.

The Problem

Learning is Abstract and Disconnected

Most training is abstract and disconnected from the real jobs to be done by you and your team.

Your most senior staff already have all the deep domain expertise you need to build world class learning experiences. It takes a special kind of humility and clarity of vision to enroll these most capable people in a knowledge sharing initiative. And with their help, you can easily tune every learning experience to meet your most ambitious goals – for your organization, your team and yourself. That is the Talent Lab difference.

Learning is Generic and Irrelevant

Training solutions are one-size-fits-all but your roles are unique and every employee is a unique individual.

Your organization is a collection of narratives shared among people over coffee breaks. These stories can be systematically uncovered, expertly codified and captured into a shared understanding of your business, it’s strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. The unifying clarity that comes from well orchestrated knowledge sharing is electrifying.

Learning is Expensive and Undifferentiated

The opportunity cost of training is high and undifferentiated – much higher than any material costs.

Only one instructor knows each student best – the teacher inside the student themselves. The teacher inside the student is the only one you have to reach. When they learn to teach themselves, that’s when you really start cooking with gas.

busy people being very busy for reasons

The Difference

The difference is in the way we handle questions: we ask, and then we listen to your answers.

We customize every learning experience to meet your most ambitious goals – for your organization, your team and yourself.

We are focused on building slow, ongoing and infinite interactions with you where reputation means everything, instead of the finite, short-term, transactional interactions offered by most online learning systems (as amazing and useful as they are).

They ask …We ask …
PlanningWhich courses do you want to buy?Who are your highest performing individuals?
DevelopmentWho will attend the courses and when?Who else will you invite to perform at that level?
DeliveryWho completed the courses? GradesHow are they performing now? Anecdotes
InfinityWhat did you think of the course? NPSHow are they performing now? Metrics

The Solution

Custom role-specific training designed for your business and key individuals based on our proven High Performance Learning (HPL) methods and tools.

Minimum opportunity cost for your team

Small cohorts (student-groups) of employees are constructed to minimize 3 types of opportunity cost for your business:

  • reduce “friction of knowledge flow” among disjoint mental models around the organization
  • reduce “time to coherence among team members with shared narratives, perspectives and incentives
  • reduce “time to aha!” for individuals as they learn how to learn more effectively

Maximum engagement for your people

Learning experiences are designed and facilitated for maximum group cohesion. Noticeable changes in performance are common during and immediately after training periods. KPIs include metrics among pre- vs post-training surveys including technical literacy, business narratives and psychometrics

making the magic happen